Guide to using the Laudato Si' animation
Ideas of ways to explore the Laudato Si’ animation with your class and suggested follow-up activities.
Resources on Laudato Si', a letter from Pope Francis about caring for our common home, and Laudate Deum, a new apostolic exhortation on the climate crisis.
Can't see the film? Right click here to download to your desktop.
Ideas of ways to explore the Laudato Si’ animation with your class and suggested follow-up activities.
Photopack for children to explore Laudato Si'. Includes suggested activities and stories of CAFOD's work.
Explore the images from the Laudato Si' primary animation with your class.
Meet children around the world who are taking care of creation.
Find out what Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation is all about.
Our Q&A explains some of the context and key messages in Laudate Deum.
A poster quote from Laudate Deum to download and display or use in assembly.
A film for teachers to find out more.
A downloadable version of the Laudato Si' poster. The poster can also be ordered for free from the CAFOD shop.
A downloadable version of the Laudato Si' pledge postcard. The postcard can also be ordered for free on the CAFOD shop.
A song for children about Laudato Si'.
Lyrics for our CAFOD Laudato Si' song.
Leader's instructions and script for Celebration of the word on the theme of caring for the earth.
A PowerPoint for Celebration of the word on caring for the earth.
Reflect or look in more detail at the content of the Laudato Si' primary animation, using the script.
A resource to support children aged 5-11 respond to Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si'.