Global Justice Icebreakers
A selection of icebreakers introducing global justice themes.
Explore interactive CAFOD games and icebreakers on poverty, Fairtrade and global justice issues. Ideal for a class activity, retreat or parish youth group.
A selection of icebreakers introducing global justice themes.
World statistics icebreaker 2022.
Icebreaker to introduce a session on the impact of our lifestyles on people and planet.
This icebreaker is ideal as a starter for a lesson on sustainable energy. KS3/4 or Post-16.
An activity to explore some of the facts and figures around the global refugee crisis.
Short activities to start a session with a sport and justice theme.
A PowerPoint to be shown by leaders while reading out instructions for the board game.
An exciting board game, with leaders' instructions, exploring what it takes to protect a community threatened by floods. Upper KS3, KS4, Post-16. This game was written for CAFOD by TerrorBull Games.
Role play exercise determining a fair price for a banana, for KS3, KS4, Post-16.
The popular Banana split game, in Welsh.
On the move invites young people to follow a refugee family on their journey to safety.
Simulation game where family businesses make and trade training shoes. KS3, KS4, Post-16.
A sports based game to explore the difference between fairness and injustice.
Fun activity with sweets to explore injustice and our role in challenging it.
Use this game and debrief to explore concepts of dignity, independence and cooperation.
Our most popular films to use in schools or groups.