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CAFOD's Year 7 RE resources support the Religious Education Directory for Catholic Schools in England and Wales.

U7.1 Creation and Covenant

CST in 3 minutes

Fast-paced animation introducing Catholic Social Teaching, with script.

CST principles: animations

KS3 animations on Solidarity, Subsidiarity and the Common Good.

Worksheets for the Solidarity, Subsidiarity and Common Good animations

Human dignity animation

This short, engaging animation explores what is meant by 'dignity of the human person’, with accompanying illustrations.

Laudato Si'

Animation of Pope Francis' encyclical, with script and workshop.

Canticle of creatures

Saint Francis of Assisi's famous song of praise for creation.

Creation prayer stations

A set of creation-themed prayer activities for young people.

Care of Creation liturgy

A liturgy for secondary schools on a creation theme.

Climate change photopack

Includes stories from around the world. Links to stewardship, option for the poor, solidarity and the common good.

CAFOD LiveSimply Award

Information about the award and how to register your school.

U7.2 Prophecy and Promise

Advent resources

Our annually updated Advent calendar and liturgy use scripture, prayer and true stories.

U7.3 From Galilee to Jerusalem

St Josephine Bakhita prayer card

A saint who lived a life of humble service.

Human dignity animation

Use this animation to explore how Jesus is the model of the perfect human being, with accompanying illustrations.

U7.4 From Desert to Garden

Corpus Christi poster

Use when considering the view that it is more important to serve the poor than celebrate the Eucharist.

Eucharistic banner activity

To help students consider the words of dismissal at the end of Mass and how they could respond.

Lent Fast Day

Take part in CAFOD Lent Fast Day with these resources for secondary schools.

Food, scripture and CST quotes sheet

May be useful when exploring ethical issues surrounding hunger and food insecurity

Southwark Romero Cross video and worksheet

An artistic expression of the Last Supper from El Salvador.

U7.5 To the ends of the earth

Confirmation resources

Useful when studying what the gifts of the Spirit look like in a contemporary setting.