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The people of Kitui are working hard to transform their land and create a sustainable water supply. Work is well underway - dams are being built, trees are being planted, and thanks to your help, the people are looking forward to a brighter future.

Work is underway to fix this broken landscape

Ten years ago, the diocese of Kitui in south eastern Kenya was a green and fertile area. Deforestation and a changing climate changed that, drying out the soil and filling the dam with sand. Water became very hard to find, and local people had to walk miles to reach a river.

One year ago, the local people asked for help. Working with CAFOD and our local partners, a plan was formed to sculpt the landscape and build a reliable, clean water system.

And thousands of you got hands on with Kitui, pledging your support and providing the community with the tools, trees and training they needed to get to work.

The community are over halfway through their project. By digging terracing, planting ten thousand trees and restoring their dam, the people of Kitui are laying the foundations of a better and greener future.

A future in which better access to water means that they can grow enough food for their families. And give themselves and their children a brighter future.

About the Hands On journey

It is because of the generosity of people in the UK who have committed to supporting the community of Kitui that this amazing project is underway.

Donations from supporters are directly paying for everything needed on the project - from materials to tools, saplings and all the project logisitics. And the knowledge that so many people are supporting them, plus the messages of support they receive, gives the people of Kitui the extra motivation to make the project a real success.

Our current project

Our current project

Our current Hands On project is in Cambodia. You can help fantastic farmers, terrific teachers and inspirational young people all working together to make their communities more secure in the face of the climate crisis.