Explore our primary school assemblies for 2023 - 2024.
We have loads of great assembly ideas for busy teachers in Catholic primary schools. Whether you are looking for fun primary assembly ideas for global themes and international days, or a Catholic assembly for a key liturgical feast, our primary assemblies are ready to download and use with your pupils.
Find even more KS1 and KS2 assemblies, as well as prayer and liturgy resources by using the filter at the bottom of the page.
Spring Term
January assemblies
World Day of Peace: Peace liturgy
Epiphany: Epiphany collective worship
February assemblies
Ash Wednesday: Ash Wednesday assembly
Lent: Lent national assembly
March assemblies
Lent: Lent resources
World Book Day: A day with Musa book and resources
International Day of Happiness: Fullness of life film
World Water Day: Water assembly
St Oscar Romero's feast day: St Oscar Romero resources
Summer Term
April assemblies
International Children's Book Day: A day with Musa book and resources
International Day of sport for Development and Peace: Sport and peace assembly
Annunciation: Annunciation liturgical prayer
Earth Day: Pope Francis' Laudato Si' animation
May assemblies
Pentecost: Pentecost liturgical prayer
June assemblies
Fratelli Tutti: Fratelli Tutti national assembly
World Environment Day: Climate change resources
Corpus Christi: Corpus Christi liturgical prayer
World Refugee week: Refugee resources
Laudato Si' anniversary: Laudato Si' liturgical prayer
July assemblies
Nelson Mandela Day: Nelson Mandela assembly
Year 6 Leavers' Mass: Aspire liturgy
Autumn term
September assemblies
World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation: Animation based on Pope Francis’ Laudato Si' encyclical message
Season of creation National Assembly - Watch the assembly
Fratelli Tutti assembly and resources: Fratelli Tutti
International Day of Peace: Peace liturgy
Fairtrade Fortnight: Fairtrade assembly
October assemblies
Harvest Assembly: Harvest assembly
International Day of the Girl Child: One day, one world films
World Food Day: Feeding the 5,000 assembly
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty: Harvest Fast Day action resources
November assemblies
World Youth Sunday: WYS resources
World Toilet Day: World Toilet Day assembly
Universal Children's Day: One day, one world films
December assemblies
Advent: Advent calendar
Advent assembly: Join our Advent national assembly on 28 November
Christmas: World Gifts assembly